I'll start out by pulling the frets and leveling the fingerboard.
Here's the old nut.
One whack with a hammer and chisel and it came out pretty easily.
Here's the new nut I made. I didn't want to use a bleached bone because it would be too sterile looking. This is unbleached.
This is my fret removal setup.
I like to apply heat to the fret for about 10 seconds. They come out pretty easy after that. If chipout occurs I have the super glue ready. I love that little painter's tool, the teeny spatula for spreading glue around.
The frets came out pretty easily.
Chip-out ocurred in only a few places.
This little thing is handy.
Sanding the fretboard reveals how much wear there was--more than there even appeared to be. And yep, it's Brazilian.
Oiling it up really makes it look nice again.
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